30 min - shears and clippers used to create a tapered or faded mid to short-length style
60 min - precision cut and straight razor face shave ($67 with electric razor)
30 min - complete hair removal of head and neck with clippers and straight razor ($35 with electric shaver)
30 min (13 and under) - shears and clippers used to create a low-maintenance and school-friendly cut or trendy summer style ($21 Skin-fade and $23 Mid to Long-length)
30 min- shears, clippers, and electric shaver or straight razor used to create a styled fade to the bare skin
30 min - hair length even with or below bottom of the ear shear-cut and styled to preference with additional texture or layers upon request
30 min - one length clipper-cut with subtle fade at sideburns and neck for cleaner grow-out
Precision services for both father and son
30 min - close shave of the face and neck using hot towels, hot lather, special oils, and straight razor ($35 with electric razor)
30 min - clippers, shears, and straight razor used to create a clean and tapered beard to suit face-shape and lifestyle ($20 with electric razor)